the rough yet velvety bark, the reddish tone,
the warm and ample sparkling of the earthly loam
brought into being by the faintest touch of hands
that hover now as I dissolve or the dream itself
of cinnamon curls around me.

placed in a garden
tells a person
where to sit, and a path
where to walk, but what
about a war?

I am making this up for you
I am casting aside the daylight
I am clearing a path for you
I am standing up for you
and even though I feel empty without you
and even though it feels wrong and half-clipped
and even though I am told this is very wrong and shouldn’t be this way
and isn’t natural
I am defying the world for you
I am including my love for you
I am being brave on your behalf
I dream that I am entirely made of cinnamon
the rough yet velvety bark, the reddish tone,
the warm and ample sparkling of the earthly loam
brought into being by the faintest touch of hands
that hover now as I dissolve or the dream itself
of cinnamon curls around me.
“Cinnamon,” from Internal Combustion
“Rainbow Window,” photograph ©1993 Barry Brukoff, used by permission
Copyright Theresa Whitehill 2025 – All Rights Reserved
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