Armand Brint, Judy Halebsky, and Theresa Whitehill A collaboration in poetry and in honor of…
Mendocino Poetry Events: Open Mic & Monthly Series
Updated For October 2019
Loba at the Ukiah Library Presents
Sara Larsen
Saturday, October 19, 2019
3 pm
Ukiah Branch Library, Main Street, Ukiah
Light refreshments will be served. For more information – please contact Melissa Carr at the Ukiah Library: 234-2862 or
First Thursday Poetry Open Mic in Fort Bragg, CA
Open Mic Poetry
6:00-8:00 pm
Fort Bragg Library Community Room
499 East Laurel Street, Fort Bragg, CA 95437
For more information, contact Dan Hesse, Branch Librarian, Fort Bragg Branch Library, 707 961-2625,
First & Third Sundays on Public Radio
Rhythm Running River
Poetry programming
1st Sunday 2-3 pm and 3rd Sunday 2-4 pm
KZYX&Z Public Radio, 90.7, 91.5, and 88.1 FM
Host: Dan Roberts
For playlists visit Out Far Press
For streaming audio of each show (has not been updated in a while), follow this link
Third Thursday in Mendocino
Writers of the Mendocino Coast
6:00 pm
Mendocino Hotel
Mendocino, California
Sponsored by Writers of the Mendocino Coast, branch of the California Writers Club
Third Thursday in Point Arena
Third Thursday Poetry Night
Open reading followed by featured reading
7:30 pm: open mic followed by featured reading
Arena Market Cafe
185 Main Street
Point Arena, California
Admission: Free
2019 Schedule
Thursday, October 17: Current Ukiah Poet Laureate Roberta Werdinger
Thursday, November 21: SF Poet Hal Robins
Thursday, December 19 – Open Mic Solstice Reading
Due to the unexpected closure of 215 Main, Third Thursday Poetry now takes place at the Arena Market cafe and begins a little later (7:30 rather than 7:00). The event begins with live improv jazz and an open mic with jazz improv; the reading concludes with more live improv jazz.
Arena Market & Café will offer wine/beer/non-alcoholic beverages, panini, soup, desserts, and snacks for purchase, so come hungry!
Third Thursday Poetry & Jazz is supported by The Third Thursday Poetry Group, many anonymous donors, and Poets & Writers, Inc. through a grant it has received from The James Irvine Foundation.
For more information, contact Blake More, 707 884-9189 or
Last Thursday in Ukiah
Writers Read Ukiah
Featured Readers: 7 pm, followed by Open Mic
2019 Schedule: As of January of 2019, the series moved
to the Grace Hudson Museum Community Room
July: Summer break, no event
Friday, October 25, 2019: Paul Nelson
Thursday, November 21, 2019: David Burton (1 week early due to the Thanksgiving holiday on the last Thursday of November)
7:00 pm: featured reading followed by open mic
Grace Hudson Museum Community Room
431 South Main Street
Ukiah, CA 95482
Suggested donation: $5
Refreshments provided
For Information, contact Series co-producers, Dan Barth, or Michael Riedell,
This reading series is sponsored in part by Poets & Writers, through a grant from the James Irvine Foundation and the Hearst Foundation. Additional support provided by an anonymous local writer, Michael Riedell, Dan Barth, Bill “Jabez” Churchill, The Poet Laureate Committee of Ukiah, Grace Hudson Museum, and donations.
A little history: Writers Read, founded by Susan Sparrow and Hal Zina Bennett of Tenacity Press, has been happening monthly on the last Thursday of the month since 1999 in Ukiah, California, starting at the Emerald Cafe, moving to the Saturday Afternoon Club, then to Colored Horse Studios for five years (2004-2009) and as of 2009, back almost full-circle to Art Center Ukiah’s annex, which is next door to the former location of the Emerald Cafe. Dan Barth and Theresa Whitehill co-produced the series with Susan and Hal for many years. As of August 2014, Bill Churchill took over producing the series with Theresa Whitehill as co-producer. As of January 2017, Michael Riedell has taken over hosting the series, with Theresa Whitehill, Dan Barth, and Bill Churchill as co-producers. As of January 2019, the series moved to the Grace Hudson Museum Community Room. Michael Riedell and Dan Barth co-produce and co-host the series.
Mendocino Spring Poetry Reading 2017 through 2019
2019: visit this Facebook link
2018: visit this Facebook link
2017: visit this Facebook link
For information: Gordon Black, or 707 937-4107
Sonoma County Literary Update
A great resource of all things literary, including a massive list of featured and open mic readings in Sonoma County
Mendo Courage Campaign: Courage Arts Action
As part of Mendocino’s Courage Campaign, Dot Brovarney and Melissa Carr have formed an arts affinity group. They are seeking ideas and ways to promote creative expression in our community during these times or seeking people who would like to participate in the arts group. For information, email Dot:
Mendo Courage Campaign
Organized locally by Sujsan Klimist-Zingo:
“The best way not to fee hopeless is to get up and do something.” President Obama said that. A statewide initiative that now has a local chapter, organized to promote activism and positive change in light of the recent election. There’s lots to do. If you want to contribute energy, time, support: