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Writers Read Ukiah Presents Mk Chavez

Thursday, June 30, 2016
7 pm: Featured Reading
8 pm: Open Mic
Art Center Ukiah, 201 South State Street, Ukiah, CA 95482
Link to pdf poster:
Suggested Donation: $5; Refreshments provided
For information contact: Bill Jabez Churchill,
MK Chavez is a writer and a champion of public health. She writes about the world as it presents itself to her, broken and achingly luminous. She is the author of Virgin Eyes (Zeitgeist Press). Mothermorphosis will be released in March 2016 followed by her full-length collection Dear Animal, which will be available in the fall. Chavez is co-founder/co-curator of the Berkeley-based monthly reading series Lyrics & Dirges, and the co-director of the Berkeley Poetry Festival. She believes in literary confrontation and its capacity to an obliterate all forms of oppression. Recent and upcoming work can be found in Rivet, Aspasiology, and Eleven Eleven.
Writers Read happens on the last Thursday of most every month and has been happening in Ukiah since 1999.This reading series is sponsored in part by Poets & Writers, through a grant from the James Irvine Foundation; additional support provided by Art Center Ukiah, the Poet Laureate Committee of Ukiah, an anonymous local writer, and donations.
P.S. Mk Chavez will also be reading the following afternoon in Ukiah:
Poetry in the Park at Alex Thomas Plaza
Friday, July 1, 2016
2–4 pm: featured reading followed by open mic
Alex Thomas Plaza, Ukiah, CA
Sponsored by Mendocino County Library, Ukiah branch
For more information, contact Melissa Eleftherion Carr, teen & adult services librarian
707 467-6434,